“How hurried everyone is nowadays in their dealings with God! (…) Don’t you rush. Don’t make a contortion of your body that is a mere mockery, instead of a pious genuflection…Make a genuflection like this, slowly, reverently, well made. And as you adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, say to him in your heart: Adoro te devote, latens Deitas. I adore you, my hidden God.”
– St. Josemaría Escrivá, notes taken from a get-together, October 1972, published in Dos meses de catequesis, II, p. 683.
“The Lord has also remained in the Eucharist to console us. Precisely in order to offer us the haven of His most dear company, He has exposed Himself to the risk of being forgotten and abandoned. It is enough for Jesus that one suffering heart finds peace and comfort near the tabernacle to consider it well worth the long periods alone in those places where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved.”
– Blessed Alvaro del Portillo, Letter, March 1985
“Today, following the Pope’s indications, we are praying for all the families in the world. We need to pray each day for the world’s families, asking that every country may fully accept in its laws the natural law that comes from God. That those who govern may seek justice and not undo this great treasure God has given us. Then people will be happier, even though at times living in a family requires effort and sacrifice in daily life. With joy we want never to cede in seeking to protect this institution grounded in natural law, and we will pray constantly for the family.”
– Bishop Javier Echevarría, on the feast of the Holy Family in 2014. The second Prelate of Opus Dei, accompanied by families in Rome, prayed before the Blessed Sacrament for all the families in the world.
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