This article, originally entitled “UA&P student leaders join iamninoy,” was first published in the January 2009 issue of Universitas. Wanted: Young people, 16-25 years old, models of integrity, excellence…This…
Development leaders: What the School of Economics students should become
The School of Economics celebrated its 28th foundation day on August 15, 2021. To commemorate this event, we’re publishing online this article written by UA&P co-founder Dr. Bernardo M. Villegas…
Civic Education: An Imperative of Higher Education
Universitas RewindThe following are excerpts from the University Day Lecture by the late Dr. Riza Bondal of the School of Education and Human Development. She delivered the lecture on August 15,…
Memories of World Youth Day Sydney 2008
Universitas RewindBy Leah Tacuel This article was first published in the January 2009 issue of Universitas. Spring down under Spring often signals revival, renewal, rebirth. The dreariness and lethargy of…