When I was younger, my dream invariably was to earn a master’s degree right after college, but because of financial difficulties it was perfectly okay for me to set that dream aside.
In 2009, I joined UA&P as one of the full-time administrative staff. My employment gave me the privilege to attend workshops, seminars, and doctrine and Philosophy classes offered by the University, and, later on, conferences both in and off campus. These opportunities brought me joy because in my heart the desire to learn new things was very much alive.
In 2016, during the Christmas season, I felt a craving for change. I was about to celebrate my 8th year in the University; I was not getting any younger, and I was starting to feel stuck. All my contemporaries were getting married, celebrating kids’ birthdays, holding anniversaries, attending grade-school graduations, and enjoying family trips. Everyone I knew from my childhood had changed in one way or another: in career, status, or location.
I knew then that something in me had to change. I asked myself, “What change can I gift to myself?”
My dream of earning a master’s degree resurfaced! I tried to suppress the idea of going back to school but that only made the urge to study so strong that it seemed to have taken a life of its own.
I prayed zealously and called on every saint that I knew.
I sat down and planned the next two years of my life. I discussed my intentions with my mom, family, friends, and colleagues. Amidst the chaos in my mind, there was one thing I was sure of: I had to reinvent myself.
At the start of 2017, armed with prayers, I prepared all the necessary requirements, rearranged my life, and learned how to prioritize. I kept my focus. I searched and applied to different programs in different schools. I told the Lord that if He really wanted me to study, I would find an accommodation near my workplace and receive all the help that I may need.
Lo and behold! I was offered a slot in a residential building, only 10 minutes away from UA&P. The Lord also sent me angels in the form of friends, who later became more like sisters than mere colleagues.

I chose to attend evening classes in UA&P. I passed the admission test for the Master of Science in Management program of the School of Management and availed myself of the 100% scholarship benefit for UA&P employees. I held on to my dream. My goal was to recite the UA&P alumni oath after two years.
The Lord has been very gracious since I started on this journey. Often, I had to remind myself that I had to study smart, pass all my subjects, and always give my best effort. I had to become my own number one fan. I pushed myself to work harder, to work better, to work smarter.
Two quotes from St. Josemaria Escriva guided me through this journey, “An hour of study […] is an hour of prayer” and “Dream and your dreams will fall short.”
And so, for two years, five days a week, I allotted an hour or two for study. To keep me sane and recharged, I made sure to rest when I had had too much brain work, ate nutritious food, and regularly went home to my family during weekends. My spare time I dedicated to what brings me joy—spending time with my niece and nephew, playing with my pets, dining out with family or friends, and watching Korean dramas.

I chose my battles carefully. I reminded myself that I was too busy to worry about what other people thought. After all, my responsibilities at work and as a student demanded much from me. Instead, I kept myself occupied. I surrounded myself with good, happy people who lift up the spirits of others.
The past two years was a humbling experience. I discovered my weaknesses but at the same time felt the support and the goodness of people around me.
Last August 3, I was one of the many who turned the tassels and recited the UA&P Alumni Oath.
And so now I say: Dream big and dream high, for it is never too late! Know in your heart that when you decide to pursue your dream, through Him, help arrives and grace abounds. #
Janice is the Program Officer of the Humanities program of the College of Arts and Sciences. She attended the Master of Science in Management program in UA&P and graduated with honors (Cum laude) in August 2019.
Banner photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash.
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